Quick comparison on OpenTelemetry and Prometheus


2 min read

OpenTelemetry and Prometheus are both powerful tools in the observability landscape, but they serve different purposes and are often used together to provide comprehensive monitoring and tracing capabilities. Here's a comparison between OpenTelemetry and Prometheus:

  1. Focus:

    • OpenTelemetry:

      • Focuses on providing observability for applications through distributed tracing and context propagation.

      • Designed for tracing requests across microservices and collecting contextual information to understand the flow and performance of requests.

    • Prometheus:

      • Focuses on monitoring and alerting based on metrics.

      • Primarily designed for collecting and querying time-series data, monitoring system and application metrics, and triggering alerts based on predefined rules.

  2. Data Model:

    • OpenTelemetry:

      • Provides a standardized way to instrument applications for distributed tracing and context propagation.

      • Supports traces (request/response tracking) and context propagation across services.

    • Prometheus:

      • Uses a multi-dimensional data model for storing and querying time-series data.

      • Focuses on collecting and aggregating metrics, such as CPU usage, memory usage, and custom application metrics.

  3. Instrumentation:

    • OpenTelemetry:

      • Offers instrumentation libraries for various languages and frameworks to enable distributed tracing.

      • Provides APIs and libraries for developers to add context propagation and tracing to their applications.

    • Prometheus:

      • Requires exporters or instrumentation libraries to collect metrics from applications.

      • Typically relies on instrumentation within the application code to expose metrics, or uses exporters to collect metrics from other sources.

  4. Use Cases:

    • OpenTelemetry:

      • Suited for understanding and troubleshooting the flow of requests in a distributed system.

      • Ideal for tracing requests across microservices and gaining insights into latency and dependencies.

    • Prometheus:

      • Suited for monitoring and alerting based on system and application metrics.

      • Well-suited for tracking resource utilization, identifying performance bottlenecks, and triggering alerts based on predefined conditions.

  5. Storage and Querying:

    • OpenTelemetry:

      • Often integrates with distributed tracing systems (e.g., Jaeger, Zipkin) and logging platforms.

      • Provides traces that can be visualized and analyzed using dedicated tracing tools.

    • Prometheus:

      • Has its own storage and querying engine.

      • Uses PromQL for querying time-series data and has a built-in dashboard for visualization.

  6. Integration:

    • OpenTelemetry:

      • Can be used alongside Prometheus for a more comprehensive observability solution.

      • Provides compatibility with various backends and tools for visualization and analysis.

    • Prometheus:

      • Often used as part of a larger observability stack, integrating with tools like Grafana for visualization.

In summary, OpenTelemetry and Prometheus are not mutually exclusive; they can complement each other. OpenTelemetry is focused on tracing and context propagation, while Prometheus is focused on monitoring and alerting based on metrics. Many organizations use both to gain a comprehensive view of their application's health and performance.